Those New Jersey Carpenter Ants – Oh The Memory Lingers On! Part II Of II

Continuing from Friday…

Fast forward to November 18, 2010.  My neighbors recently decided to replace their elevated deck off the dining room with a new deck and sunroom.  Once the old decking was removed, further evidence of the previous carpenter ant infestation was revealed.  Although the old deck did not show signs of decay, the face board behind the deck, and wood support beams on the middle of their split foyer home do contain damaged wood from when the carpenter ants burrowed into the wood.  Despite the fact that they killed off their carpenter ant colony two years ago, they are still faced with very expensive repairs that they were not expecting to pay.  Had my neighbors continued to try to treat the carpenter ant infestation themselves and not hired a licensed New Jersey pest control specialist instead, there is no doubt that their homes structure would be compromised.  My neighbor’s carpenter ant invasion was a very costly lesson and the memory absolutely lingers on.

Unlike other types of New Jersey pests that die off in the cold winter months, carpenter ants are hardy and are active year round.  Carpenter ants typically live in decaying wood like dead trees, tree stumps, rotting logs, or wood piles.  The bad news is that they can be found both indoors and outdoors too.  When they come inside, it is usually to obtain food or water, or like in my neighbor’s case, it’s because they found some nice damp wood to destroy!

Carpenter ant colonies are very damaging to any type of home or business.  The colonies can contain upwards of 50,000 workers so it is very important to seek professional help from a NJ pest control specialist if you have a carpenter ant infestation.  When treating for carpenter ants, it’s important to kill the entire colony so that they are not able to regroup and continue their destructive behavior.  Allison Pest Control has been providing expert carpenter ant eradication services in Monmouth, Ocean and Middlesex counties since 1917.  Give us a call today for all of your pest control needs!