Hiring A Reliable NJ Pest Control Specialist Is Crucial For Safe Pesticide Application

When there is a bed bug infestation in New Jersey, consumers rely on the promises and expertise of a New Jersey pest control specialist.

A New York City elementary school recently learned a valuable lesson that they were not anticipating learning…that not all pest control specialists are alike.

New York City’s Department of Education hired a private contractor and paid nearly $100,000 to kill the bed bugs at P.S. 197 in Brooklyn, NY.  Much to the dismay of school officials, the sloppy extermination of the blood suckers has caused an even bigger problem for the school.  Reports from teachers and school officials are filtering out of the school telling of how dangerous bed bug killing pesticides were found soaked through books in the classroom, covering the desks in the classrooms, and puddles on the floor of the classroom.  Teachers lost resource materials, paper, bulletin boards, resource charts, books and supplies because of the improper application of the pesticides.

The Teacher’s Union estimates that the clean-up of the classrooms will cost in the neighborhood of $250,000!  The Department of Education is reporting that they intend on billing the contactor who provided the services for all of the clean-up costs, but teachers are worried that they won’t have their resource materials replaced for the remainder of the school year.  The Department of Environmental Conservation is investigating the incident.

Over the years there have been different pesticides that have been used and then banned from the United States marketplace because they have been deemed to be “unsafe” for a variety of reasons.  For example, DDT was widely used by consumers for the treatment of bed bugs years ago, but pulled from the market in the 1970’s.

Any pesticide that is not used correctly by a pest control firm can cause serious illness or even death if not used correctly.  For reliable and trusted treatment of bed bugs or other New Jersey pest control needs, contact Allison Pest Control.  We have been providing safe NJ pest control services to our customers since 1917 in Monmouth, Ocean and Middlesex counties.