Allison Pest Control

Cockroaches Are A Dangerous Pest Part I Of II

If you have ever had a cockroach infestation, there is no doubt that you think that they are a filthy beast to have running around your home or business.  They scurry through cupboards, drawers, sinks, floors, under carpets, and walls with ease.

Cockroaches are more than just an annoying pest, for some folks, they can be quite dangerous too!  Everyone knows that pollen, dust, mold, and animals can trigger asthma, but they are not the only things you need look out for.  For people who suffer from asthma, cockroach infestations have proven to be particularly troublesome.  There are certain allergens (also called “roach dust”) that are found in cockroach saliva and feces that can and often do trigger asthma attacks in humans.  Although all allergy sufferers are at risk, children and the elderly are especially hit the hardest by cockroach allergens.

You can help keep cockroaches at bay by following some simple rules…

• Seal up any exterior cracks or crevices that cockroaches can squeeze into.  These buggers can squeeze into tiny spaces that are much smaller than their body size. Remember, young roaches can fit into spaces as slim as dime and adult roaches can fit into spaces a slim as a quarter!

• Never leave food or garbage out where cockroaches can feast.  Seal all plastic bags in covered trash cans with secured lids.

• Cockroaches love and need water so be sure to fix any water leaks under sinks or other places around your home or business.

• Seal any cracks inside cabinets so that if you do have an infestation, cockroaches will not be able to travel between them easily.

• Cockroaches are cleaver buggers and can gain access to and contaminate food sources. Always store food in airtight containers for full protection from cockroaches.

Please check back on Wednesday for the conclusion.

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