Termites are one of the top reasons for homeowners to call pest control companies in New Jersey, but in some cases, these pests turn out to be carpenter ants instead. Carpenter ants and termites have several characteristics in common, so it’s easy to confuse the two. If you end up with carpenter ants instead of termites, do you still need help?
Amount of Damage
Carpenter ants and termites both cause damage to homes. The difference is that termites eat wood, while carpenter ants hollow it out as they build nests. Carpenter ants can still cause a significant amount of damage to wood in your home, which can lead to expensive repairs. In the most severe cases, your home could become dangerous to live in due to structural problems caused by carpenter ants.
When and Where Damage Occurs
Carpenter ants are usually only a problem during spring and summer, while termites can be a problem throughout the year. Carpenter ants and termites can both infest any areas of wood inside the home, which makes it important to call an exterminator as soon as possible. Otherwise, you could end up with serious damage to your home.
If you have carpenter ants or termites in your home, you need help from a professional pest control company in New Jersey. Give Allison Pest Control a call, and we’ll handle your ant or termite problem for you.