Tag: wasps

  • Honey-Bee-Eating Giant Asian Hornets Invade England

    Warmer weather and climate change in general make it easy for invasive species to find new places to go. When it comes to stinging insects, humans aren’t the only ones who have to worry. Honeybees in the U.K. are likely to be facing a threat from giant Asian hornets. These hornets have been seen in…

  • Some Wasps Will Attack Bees to Get Honey

    People aren’t the only ones who have to watch out for wasps and their painful stings. These pests have also been known to go after honey bee hives in order to get at the honey inside. In fact, bee keepers have to take extra precautions to protect their hives from these aggressive wasps. Wasp Habits…

  • New Wasp Species Gets a Celebrity Name

    Not all wasps are pests. Although we think of wasps as a nuisance, in many parts of the world and even in the US, wasps are actually quite good at controlling other pests. Sometimes, after their discovery, a new species is given a celebrity name. Meet Conobregma bradpitti This particular South African wasp was discovered…

  • The Ant & Wasp Connection

    When you think of ants and wasps, like many people, you probably don’t see a connection. For years researchers didn’t see a connection either, until a study that was done in 2013 revealed that the two probably had more in common than anyone originally thought. DNA Testing Through a long series of DNA testing and genetic sequencing,…

  • Decks And Wasps Go Hand In Hand

    Wood decks are an excellent location for many species of wasps to establish a colony.  During the springtime when wasps emerge from their overwintering spots, they often look for a suitable nesting location that is in close proximity.  Decks that are built close to the ground are especially prone to wasp infestations due to the…

  • When Yellow Jackets, Wasps, Or Hornets Become Problem Pests Part 2 Of 2

    Continuing from Monday… Hornets will build large paper like nests that are usually found in trees.  The nests are closed except for an entrance/exit hole at the bottom.  Hornets are the largest in the wasp family and are known for being aggressive.  These pests have a varied diet of leaves and sap, and will also…