Tag: Termite Control

  • Colony Organization Makes Termites Formidable Foes

    Eastern subterranean termites attack one in five New Jersey buildings. If undetected, a mature termite colony of 60,000 insects can consume one lineal foot of 2X4 structural wood every 120 days. Since colonies typically number in the hundreds of thousands to millions of insects, a termite infestation can cause significant structural damage to your Monmouth…

  • Why Are Termite Infestations Hard to Spot?

    Termites are barely 1/8 inch long, or about the size of a sesame seed on your burger bun. How can something so tiny be so destructive and pose such a danger to your Monmouth County, New Jersey home? One of the things that make termites such formidable insect foes is that termite infestations are hard…

  • Now Is Best Time to Schedule New Jersey Termite Inspection

    Insects are off the radar of most New Jersey homeowners during the winter. Monmouth County and Ocean County residents don’t typically think about calling an exterminator until spring when ants start marching across kitchen floors. But just because they may be out of sight and out of mind during New Jersey’s cold winter months doesn’t…

  • Look Out Below! Watch Out for Termites

    Termites are one of the more insidious threats to homes and commercial buildings. Unlike other pests who enter above ground, these tiny destroyers lurk in subterranean colonies and attack from below. It takes a skilled, experience eye to spot the signs of infestation and eliminate the problem before serious damage occurs. The recent experience of…