Tag: problem insects

  • Here Come The Cicadas

    Monmouth County, NJ pest control professionals report that New Jersey residents should be prepared for the arrival of a creature that only makes its presence known once every 17 years.  It’s hard to believe that it is once again time for the Brood II cicadas to once again emerge from their underground nests. Brood II…

  • The Gallinipper…The Mosquito Bite That Stabs Like A Knife!

    They are said to be twenty times the size of the typical mosquito and they can easily bite through layers of clothing.  Reports are that their bite feels the same as being stabbed with a knife!  The dreadful mosquito is called the “Gallinippers” and scientists believe that they will be plaguing the state of Florida…

  • Watch Out…Little Insects…Big Troubles Part 2 Of 2

    Continuing from Wednesday… If beans are not available, researchers have found that these invasive pests will next turn to kudzu plants to feast upon.  Kudzu plants are considered to be an invasive plant that is extremely difficult to eradicate.  They are a powerful vine type weed that smothers all types of plants that they surround. …

  • Watch Out…Little Insects…Big Troubles Part 1 Of 2

    A little insect is causing big problems for farmers and home and business owners in certain states where it has been spotted.  The bean plataspid is a little known pest which has several different names.  Some call it the lablab bug, the kudzu bug, or the kudzu-eating bug, and others call it the globular stink…

  • Chickens Like Stink Bugs

    With the exception of a few troublesome types of pests like cockroaches, mice, rats, and bed bugs, most pests give humans a break from their annoying behavior once the weather begins to turn frigid during October or November. Some pests tend to die off as the cold creeps in. Seeking protection from the elements, some…

  • As Spring Approaches, So Will Carpenter Bees

    Carpenter bees are interesting creatures.  They are often mistaken for bumble bees as they look similar to bumbles in size and coloring.  Carpenter bees however are a very different type of bee. Carpenter bees are large black and yellow colored bees.  The male bees are commonly seen hovering around their nesting sites which are typically…