Tag: problem insects

  • Cockroach Questions Answered

    Finding cockroaches in your home or business can bring about high levels of anxiety.  Cockroaches in general have been given a bad rap, with good reason.  These pests are not only a nuisance pest; they are capable of spreading bacteria and viruses that are extremely dangerous to humans.  Here are some of the questions that…

  • The Differences Between Carpenter Bees And Bumble Bees

    It is not uncommon for home and business owners to misidentify bumble bees when in fact they have carpenter bees hanging around their home report Monmouth County, NJ exterminators.  There are subtle differences between the two species of bees that the average person is not aware of.  The knowledgeable exterminators at Allison Pest Control will…

  • What Do I Do If I Find Subterranean Termites At My NJ Home?

    The eastern subterranean termite is one of three termites that plague residents within North America.  The wood devouring creatures strike fear among homeowners in the state of New Jersey for good reason as termites cause approximately $5 billion in damages each year in the United States.  Monmouth County, NJ exterminators report that one out of…

  • Is My New Jersey Home At Risk Of A Termite Invasion?

    Termite exterminators receive many telephone calls from residents during the springtime regarding termites in New Jersey.  Termites are not just a springtime pest mind you, but this is the time of year that people find the tell-tale signs of termite activity in or around their homes. Unlike other types of annoying and dangerous insects, termites…

  • Why Do Carpenter Bees Stare At Me?

    Anyone who has spent any amount of time outdoors working in the yard or garden, or relaxing on their deck can attest to the fact that big and bold carpenter bees are out and looking for a fight…or are they?  Male carpenter bees are the ones that are flexing their muscle this spring in New…

  • Termites…They Are Good And Bad

    There’s no mistaking that termites are good for the environment…but they are not good once they find a structure to invade!  The benefits of having termites on this earth are aplenty report Monmouth County, NJ termite exterminators.  Termites dig in the earth which allows rainwater to drain properly, especially in dry climates.  Termites help to halt…