Tag: mosquitoes

  • Pests Don’t Stand A Chance Against NJ Pest Control Experts

    The slightest hint of warm weather has brought various annoying pests that spent the long winter months in hiding back into the radar sights of New Jersey pest control professionals.  Homeowners are already reporting random mosquitos occasionally flying about while they are enjoying the brief teasing temperatures of warm springtime weather.  New Jersey pest control…

  • Bed Bugs Can Make People Do Strange Things

    Having a New Jersey bed bug infestation or one anywhere in the United States is not easy to deal with.  Having bed bugs are be physically, financially, and emotionally exhausting.  Many people report being shunned by family and friends who find out that they have bed bugs.  Some people have even reported that they have…

  • NJ Residents Are Itching From Bed Bug Bites Part II Of II

    Continuing from Friday… One of the reasons that bed bugs are so problematic these days is that despite being bit, not every person who encounters them has the allergic reaction to their bites.  It is estimated that about 50% of humans suffer from bed bug bites.  Because only 50% suffer from the bites, many people…

  • Keeping Your Family Safe Against The West Nile Virus

    West Nile Virus is more than an annoyance; it is a dangerous virus that can cause a serious life altering illness.  West Nile Virus is transmitted from the bite of mosquitoes.  For some people in the United States, West Nile Virus has proven to be fatal.  In 2010, in New Jersey, so far there have only…

  • Are Mosquitoes Taking A Bite Out Of Your Summertime Fun?

    The hot and humid months of summer are in full swing.  If you have spent any amount of time outdoors in New Jersey, it’s quite likely that mosquitoes have been nibbling away at any exposed skin that they can find.  These blood suckers are very annoying and leave a trail of painful and itchy welts…