Tag: cockroaches

  • Cockroaches Are A Dangerous Pest Part I Of II

    If you have ever had a cockroach infestation, there is no doubt that you think that they are a filthy beast to have running around your home or business.  They scurry through cupboards, drawers, sinks, floors, under carpets, and walls with ease. Cockroaches are more than just an annoying pest, for some folks, they can…

  • Cockroaches In New Jersey

    Cockroaches are the most common, and one of the most feared insects, that can infest homes in New Jersey and across the United States.  There are approximately 4,500 species of cockroaches worldwide, but only a few are considered to be household pests.  Most people find cockroaches to be repulsive housemates.  They are known to transmit…