Tag: Biting Insects

  • Are You Having Trouble With Earwigs In New Jersey?

    Coming across an earwig infestation can be unsetting for any New Jersey resident.  Their scary looking prongs at the end of their abdomen are enough to send anyone running for the hills.  The name “earwigs” is basically derived from an old wives tale.  It was once said that earwigs would crawl into your ears while…

  • Tick Removal That Won’t Scare The Kiddies Or Pets! Part II Of II

    Continuing from Wednesday… Take a cotton ball and place a liberal amount of liquid dish soap or antibacterial soap on it.  You want to cover the cotton ball with soap, but you don’t need it to be dripping with soap.  Next, you place the cotton ball on top of the embedded tick.  Keep the tick…

  • Tick Removal That Won’t Scare The Kiddies Or Pets! Part I Of II

    Removing ticks can be a difficult task for even the most skilled hands.  You always want to be careful to not leave the mouth and head still embedded in humans or pets when you remove a tick.  Urination, defecation, or injectile vomiting from a tick can be very dangerous as you run the risk of…

  • Should You Fear The Ticks In New Jersey?

    Ticks can be a problem for the residents of New Jersey and in other areas in the United States.  In New Jersey, you need to keep an eye out for the Lone Star Tick, the American Dog Tick, The Brown Dog Tick, and the Blacklegged Tick. Each type of tick that you will find in…

  • Taking One Last Trip This Summer? Watch Out For Household Pests! Part II Of II

    Continuing from Monday… The warm air in your temporarily vacant home is the perfect incubation grounds for many different types of troublesome insects. Fleas can be a huge problem not only when they invade your yard, but especially when they are multiplying in your home.  Your pup might have been taken to the kennel while you…

  • Keeping Your Family Safe Against The West Nile Virus

    West Nile Virus is more than an annoyance; it is a dangerous virus that can cause a serious life altering illness.  West Nile Virus is transmitted from the bite of mosquitoes.  For some people in the United States, West Nile Virus has proven to be fatal.  In 2010, in New Jersey, so far there have only…