Category: Wood Destroying Insects

  • Have You Been “Dive-Bombed” by the Eastern Carpenter Bee Yet?

    Bees are common summer nuisances that require help from Ocean County pest control services, but some are more alarming than others. Eastern carpenter bees are known for flying around people and even dive bombing them at times. Are Carpenter Bees Dangerous? Eastern carpenter bees might make you nervous about how close they get to you…

  • I Know Flying Carpenter Ants Are Not Termites, But Should I Still Be Concerned?

    Termites are one of the top reasons for homeowners to call pest control companies in New Jersey, but in some cases, these pests turn out to be carpenter ants instead. Carpenter ants and termites have several characteristics in common, so it’s easy to confuse the two. If you end up with carpenter ants instead of…

  • Termite or Wood Destroying Beetle? What You Need to Know.

    When you see signs of wood damage in your home, your first instinct might be to get help from a NJ termite specialist. How do you know if termites are really the cause of this damage, though? Another type of pest, known as the lyctid powderpost beetle, also destroys wood in residential buildings. Powderpost Beetle…

  • What NJ Residents Need to Know About Drywood Termites

    Eastern subterranean termites are one of the biggest reasons for homeowners to seek help from a NJ termite exterminator, but they’re not the only species around. Drywood termites can also be a big problem for homeowners. Knowing more about these pests can help you understand how much damage they can do. What Do They Look…

  • How Important is a NJ Termite Treatment Warranty?

    When you have a termite problem, it’s essential to find reliable NJ termite control services. One of the best ways to know if you’ve found a dependable pest control company is whether or not they offer a warranty. Benefits of Termite Control Warranties Having termites eliminated from your home is a complex process that must…

  • Can I Treat My NJ Termites with Do-It-Yourself Baits?

    When you have termites in your home, should you call a NJ termite specialist or take care of it on your own? While you might think that using do-it-yourself baits is the way to go in order to save money, it can end up costing you more. Disadvantages of DIY Termite Baits Termite baits sold…