Have You Been “Dive-Bombed” by the Eastern Carpenter Bee Yet?

Dive-bombed? By a Bee? What Does That Mean? Find Out Here.
Dive-bombed? By a Bee? What Does That Mean? Find Out Here.

Bees are common summer nuisances that require help from Ocean County pest control services, but some are more alarming than others. Eastern carpenter bees are known for flying around people and even dive bombing them at times.

Are Carpenter Bees Dangerous?

Eastern carpenter bees might make you nervous about how close they get to you when you’re outside, but they usually don’t sting. Male carpenter bees can’t sting at all. Females can sting, but they typically only do so if they feel threatened.

Carpenter bees mainly fly from flower to flower looking for pollen, although they don’t mind buzzing around people to get a closer look. Keep in mind that these bees can be a danger to your home, though.

Carpenter Bees and Wood Damage

Carpenter bees get their name from their ability to chew holes in wood in order to get inside and build nests. They don’t eat wood like termites do, but they can end up causing significant damage to wooden structures in homes. The holes they chew can also give homes an unsightly appearance, which can affect home value.

Getting rid of these bees is important in order to protect your home from damage. However, it’s crucial to do so carefully, so you don’t upset them.

Don’t let Eastern carpenter bees ruin your home this summer. Contact Allison Pest Control for more information on our Ocean County pest control services.