Category: Rodents

  • Crazy Rat Story

    New Jersey pest control experts say that rats are a troublesome pest in NJ as well as most every other parts of the United States.  Rats can live up to eighteen months, but many die before they are a year old.  Being scavengers, rats will eat a wide variety of food substances, but they prefer…

  • Rodents Are Trouble Say NJ Pest Control Experts

    New Jersey pest control professionals say that there are many different species of rodents that find New Jersey homes hospitable living locations.  Mice and rats will enter your home to find food, shelter and water during the spring, summer, winter and fall months.  Rodents are a huge nuisance to home and business owners alike as…

  • Hickory Dickory Dock, The Mouse Ran Up The…

    At some point in time, most residents will encounter mice in their home, garage, shed, or attic warns New Jersey pest control experts.  Mice may look cute and cuddly when they are peeping at you though the glass of pet store cage, but when they are scurrying through your home; most people find them to…

  • Keep NJ Rat Infestations Out Of Your Home And Business Part II Of II

    Continuing from Monday… The Norway rat is also referred to as the sewer rat or brown rat.  Unlike the roof rat which tends to reside in higher locals, the Norway rat spends it time ground-level.  The Norway rat will dig burrows in moist areas in the ground.  You can find the burrows near building foundations…

  • Keep NJ Rat Infestations Out Of Your Home And Business Part I Of II

    New Jersey pest control experts warn New Jersey residents that rat populations continue to rise during the winter months.  Rats are one of the most bothersome pests throughout the United States for both homeowners and businesses alike.  Rats are known to carry and transmit parasites and diseases such as Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, Rat-bite fever, Leptospirosis,…

  • An Integrated Pest Management Approach Is Best For NJ Pest Control Experts

    Finding a good New Jersey pest control expert may seem like an overwhelming task for some folks.  There are many different companies to choose from, all of which offer different service plans.  Consumers must also have to take into consideration the cost variations that will be encountered when choosing a NJ pest control expert.  Finding…