Category: Disease Carrying Pests

  • What Happens When You Contract Lyme Disease?

    Here at Allison Pest Control, we’re considered to be the best NJ exterminator you can find, and it’s important to us that you stay informed about potential issues, such as Lyme disease. What is Lyme Disease? Lyme disease is caused when someone contracts the B. burgdorferi bacteria, which is spread by deer ticks. Fortunately, not…

  • Love Your Pets, But Hate the Disease They May Carry

    Your pets give you a lot of joy. In fact, studies have even shown that having a pet has been proven to significantly reduce blood pressure, triglyceride levels, and cholesterol levels. So, not only does your pet keep you from being lonely, but he or she may also help keep you healthy. Unfortunately, there are…

  • Watch Out for Mice-borne Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis This Winter

    Having mice in your home doesn’t just put your food at risk of contamination. You and your family could also be exposed to catching an infectious disease unless you seek pest control help from the best NJ exterminator. Mice have been known to spread a potentially serious illness called lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). What Is…

  • Five Tips to Prevent Rodents from Moving Into Your NJ Business

    When you have rodents on your commercial property, you need help from the best NJ exterminator to get rid of them. Mice and rats can be a public health hazard, since they are able to spread disease. They can also damage your building and contaminate food supplies. If you haven’t had a problem with these…

  • Traveling to the Hawaiian Islands? Watch Out for Dengue Fever.

    Mosquitoes might seem more like a nuisance than a serious problem, but these pests are known for transmitting certain diseases. While the best NJ exterminator can help you get rid of mosquitoes on your property, you might have trouble avoiding them when you travel. If you plan to visit Hawaii in the near future, keep…

  • Rats vs. Mice, What’s the Difference?

    Mice and rats are among the most common types of pests that invade homes in NJ. In fact, these rodents keep pest control companies in Freehold busy, especially when it’s cold outside. You might find rats or mice in your home during winter, since they like to stay where it’s warm. This means that it’s…