Five Tips to Prevent Rodents from Moving Into Your NJ Business

Five Tips to Prevent Rodents from Moving Into Your NJ Business
Five Tips to Prevent Rodents from Moving Into Your NJ Business

When you have rodents on your commercial property, you need help from the best NJ exterminator to get rid of them. Mice and rats can be a public health hazard, since they are able to spread disease. They can also damage your building and contaminate food supplies. If you haven’t had a problem with these pests, it’s important to take steps to prevent them. Use the following rodent prevention tips to help.

Get rid of moisture sources
These provide rodents with ideal places to breed, which means an even bigger infestation. Have leaky pipes and clogged drains fixed, and don’t leave any water standing around.

Check for gaps, cracks and holes
Rodents can easily get inside your business through these entry points. If you notice any of these openings, seal them up with caulk.

Replace damaged screens
Mice and rats can squeeze through rips and tears in door and window screens. Replace any that are damaged with brand new ones.

Remove food sources
If your business has a kitchen or other area where food is eaten or stored, make sure it’s left in airtight containers and don’t leave any crumbs around.

Inspect deliveries
Check boxes and other packages for mice or rats.

If you see mice or rats in your NJ business, please contact Allison Pest Control right away. You can count on the best NJ exterminator to eradicate these pests from your property.