Category: Commercial Pest Control

  • Bottle Flies Can Contaminate Your New Jersey Home Or Business

    Nothing can be more annoying than the extreme buzzing at the window.  You might think it’s a panicked bee trying to make its escape, but upon further inspection, you are more likely to find that a bottle fly has been trapped in your New Jersey house. Bottle flies are large common flies that are easily…

  • Are Crickets Annoying You In New Jersey?

    Imagine yourself camping with your family in the great outdoors.  The delightful sounds of crickets chirping are a wonderful addition to your nighttime experience.  The evening cricket concert is the perfect ending to any day in the great outdoors.  How sweet the sound as the crickets lull you into dreamland inside your tent or travel…

  • Cockroaches Are A Dangerous Pest Part II Of II

    Continuing from Monday… • Remove debris that provides cockroaches safe places to hide and nest.  Boxes and newspapers are some of their favorite nesting sites.  In a pinch…they will even eat them if there is nothing else tasty to eat! • Cockroaches, like other unsightly pests (ants, mice, rats etc) love the crumbs that we humans leave…

  • Cockroaches Are A Dangerous Pest Part I Of II

    If you have ever had a cockroach infestation, there is no doubt that you think that they are a filthy beast to have running around your home or business.  They scurry through cupboards, drawers, sinks, floors, under carpets, and walls with ease. Cockroaches are more than just an annoying pest, for some folks, they can…

  • Keeping Your Family Safe Against The West Nile Virus

    West Nile Virus is more than an annoyance; it is a dangerous virus that can cause a serious life altering illness.  West Nile Virus is transmitted from the bite of mosquitoes.  For some people in the United States, West Nile Virus has proven to be fatal.  In 2010, in New Jersey, so far there have only…

  • What’s Biting You On The New Jersey Shore?

    The summertime is supposed to be a time of picnics, camping, swimming, playing outdoors, enjoying sporting events, and other outdoor fun.  Unfortunately for many Monmouth and Ocean County, New Jersey residents, one step outside, and blood seeking biting insects make a B-line straight for any uncovered human flesh.  These pests are annoying at best; some…