NJ House Mouse Reproduction – There’s Never Just One!

There's Never Just One! Mice and Rats Bring Disease Indoors
There’s Never Just One! Mice and Rats Bring Disease Indoors

Perhaps you’re sitting in your living room, watching television, and you see a mouse. That night, you set a trap and in the morning, you catch him. Your problem is solved, right? Unfortunately, it’s not. House mice can reproduce at an alarming rate, and there’s never going to be just one. Not to worry, though, because your Monmouth County pest control specialists are here to save the day.

How Fast do House Mice Reproduce?

The gestation period for mice is between 19 and 21 days. When females give birth, they have five or six young. When you do the math, you’ll see that they can have as many as 10 litters a year. As soon as three weeks after birth, the babies are ready to venture out from the nest. This all means that it doesn’t take long before they can overrun your home.

Preventing Mice and Getting Rid of an Infestation

It’s hard to prevent mice from entering your home. They can squeeze through the smallest of spaces, in their search for food and shelter. If you find a mouse, you can be certain you have a family of them lurking somewhere. It’s best to take care of an infestation before it gets out of hand.

As your Monmouth County pest control specialists, at Allison Pest Control, we know just what to do. No one wants to live with mice. Contact us for help!




