Bed Bug Season Is Upon Us, Are You Prepared?

We are Monmouth County's Bed Bug Specialists!
We are Monmouth County’s Bed Bug Specialists!

Spring’s warmer weather means that you might have a higher chance of encountering bed bugs when you’re out and about. What can you do to reduce the risk of accidentally carrying these pests into your home? Taking the following precautions can help you avoid needing bed bug control in Monmouth County for an infestation.

Inspect Secondhand Furniture

If you’re buying used furniture or other items from stores, yard sales or other places, make sure you check them before bringing them into your home. These secondhand items could have bed bugs hiding in them. Bringing these items into your home means you’ll soon be dealing with a bed bug infestation.

Check Your Clothes and Bags

After being out in public, check your clothes for bed bugs. You can pick these pests up nearly anywhere and accidentally bring them into your home. You should also check any bags you bring home from stores for these pests.

Avoid Bed Bugs on Trips

If you’re traveling, check your hotel room for bed bugs right away. Keep suitcases closed, and store them on luggage racks or in the shower stall to lower the risk of bed bugs getting inside. Request another room if you find any of these pests in your room.

If you need bed bug control in Monmouth County, we’re here to help. Contact Allison Pest Control to get more information on our services.