Bees and wasps aren’t hard to find during summer and early fall. When you’re outdoors this season, make sure you take steps to prevent these insects from stinging you, especially if you’re allergic to them. If you have any nests on your property, make sure you hire NJ pest control services to remove them safely.
Avoid Bright Colors and Patterns
Don’t wear clothing that has a floral pattern or bright colors, since bees and wasps are attracted to these. Instead, wear light-colored clothing that won’t draw them to you. Keep in mind that bees and wasps can’t see the color red, so this should also be a safe color for you to wear.
Stay Away From Scents
Wearing perfume or using strongly scented shampoos and soaps, especially those with floral scents, can also attract bees and wasps.
Don’t Swat
Swatting at bees or wasps could encourage them to sting you. If you see a bee or wasp near you, remain calm and don’t make sudden movements. Instead, move slowly and resist the urge to run.
Cover Food and Drinks
Wasps are drawn to food and drinks that are outside, especially those with sugar in them. Keep all food in containers, and cover open cans or bottles of soda and other sugary drinks.
If bees or wasps are causing you problems, call Allison Pest Control. We offer dependable NJ pest control services in Monmouth County.