Allison Pest Control

Traveling to the Hawaiian Islands? Watch Out for Dengue Fever.

What May Appear Pretty May Hide Harmful Bugs and Diseases.
What May Appear Pretty May Hide Harmful Bugs and Diseases.

Mosquitoes might seem more like a nuisance than a serious problem, but these pests are known for transmitting certain diseases. While the best NJ exterminator can help you get rid of mosquitoes on your property, you might have trouble avoiding them when you travel. If you plan to visit Hawaii in the near future, keep in mind that mosquitoes have been known to spread dengue fever there.

Dengue Fever in Hawaii?

This viral illness is transmitted by bites from some mosquito species. While this disease is usually found in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, there have been more than 100 cases of dengue fever in Hawaii since September 2016. Experts state that dengue fever cases typically occur when those traveling in other parts of the world bring back the virus to Hawaii. However, the more recent cases have been considered locally acquired illnesses.

What to Know

Dengue fever symptoms develop several days after you’ve been bitten. They include headache, joint pain, sore muscles, high fever and a rash on your arms and legs. Since it’s a virus, it usually needs to run its course without medical treatment. Wearing repellent can help lower your risk of being bitten by mosquitoes carrying dengue fever.

If you have a mosquito problem on your property and need help from the best NJ exterminator, don’t hesitate to call Allison Pest Control. We can help you get rid of these pests.

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