Fun Facts: These Weird Looking Insect Pests Are Found in New Jersey

Keep Your Home Pest Free
Keep Your Home Pest Free

More than 300 different species of creepy crawly insects call New Jersey home. Do you need a NJ pest control professional to race to your rescue against these intimidating insects?

  • The “Mini-Me” of scorpions…
    Pseudoscorpions are ¼ inch long with pincers – but no stingers.
  • Like a walking post-it…
    The Masked Hunter’s sticky surface grabs debris from its surroundings for camouflage. Though not known for aggression, its bite is extremely painful.
  • Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound…
    Well, not exactly, but the North American Jumping Spider can leap three to four times its body length from a standstill.
  • It can knock you out…
    With Lyme Disease. The tiny but tough deer tick is big trouble in a tiny package.
  • More than a “Marvel-ous” villain…
    The Black Widow is the most venomous spider in North America and capable of inflicting some seriously painful bites.
  • Dangerous doppelganger…
    Similar in size and appearance, the bright and beautiful yellow jacket is nothing like a honeybee. They are aggressive in nature and capable of repeated stings if provoked.
  • Not a creature from another planet…
    With 15 pairs of legs, this pest has some moves. The house centipede likes damp, dark places, and while it usually doesn’t bite, it is venomous and has been known to show its teeth on occasion.

Got the shivers? Shake them with the help of the friendly NJ pest control experts at Allison.