Mice and rats are more likely to enter NJ homes as the weather gets warmer and they become more active. Whether looking for food, water or shelter, these rodents can be dangerous to have in your home. Rats and mice can spread harmful germs by biting or leaving feces around. Taking steps to prevent them from coming into your home this spring is important.
- Seal up food sources. Rats and mice are skilled at getting into boxes and bags of food. Place these types of foods in sealed containers that these rodents can’t rip or tear open.
- Don’t leave crumbs around. Sweep up crumbs from the floor and wipe them off of counters to discourage rodents. Even tiny crumbs can be enough to attract rats and mice.
- Empty the trash. Don’t leave trash lying around indoors where rodents can get into it. Place your trash in outdoor garbage cans, especially if you’re throwing out leftovers or other food items.
- Put cardboard away. Cardboard boxes and other items made from this material can attract rodents. Rats and mice often chew these up to make nests.
- Schedule preventive rodent control. Have professionals come to your home to lower the risk of rodent infestations.
If you need rodent control services in your NJ home, please contact Allison Pest Control. Our pest control professionals in Monmouth County can get rid of infestations and prevent more from happening.