Fun Facts: What Animals Act as Weathermen?

Weathermen of the Animal World
Weathermen of the Animal World

Tom’s River pest control professionals see a lot of interesting creatures. Some of them can even predict the weather! Is your local weatherman being put to shame by the prediction skills of these furry, feathered and funky forecasters?

  • Cows, sheep, and horses…
    Turn their tails to rain, lying down as the pressure drops and huddling together for protection from bad weather.
  • Birds…
    Fly high in good weather. Low or no flying signals approaching storms.
  • Fish…
    Spring from the water more often before rains
  • Ants…
    Scatter in fair weather, but travel in straight lines and build nests up high just before rain.
  • Termites…
    Build up mounds before rain and swarm prior to hot spells.
  • Crickets…
    Can predict temperatures. Count the number of chirps in 14 seconds, then add 40 to get the temperature in Fahrenheit.
  • Spiders…
    Daytime web weaving may indicate good weather or reinforcement prior to storms. Empty webs indicate activity before rain. Webs may be built higher when rain is plentiful.
  • Wooly worms…
    This larva of the Isabella tiger moth predicts severe winter weather: narrow bands for a mild winter; wider bands for a severe winter. Studies reveal 80% accuracy.
  • Ladybugs…
    Large clusters indicate good weather. Ladybugs looking for shelter predict impending rain.

Tired of trying to predict your future Tom’s River pest control needs? Contact Allison today!



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