Proactive Rat Tip Chat Line by City Government Gets Great Response

Rat Tip Hotline
Rat Tip Hotline

A recent online chat in Washington gave residents an opportunity to ask questions and receive advice about rodents. The district also offers a hotline where residents can call in to report problems with rats or sightings.

Here are a few of the questions people shared and some of the advice given regarding rats and what to do about them.

  • Should people be concerned about seeing rats in their home or yard? The answer was yes because rats carry germs, parasites and disease.
  • Should seeing a rat or rats be dealt with immediately? The answer was yes because where you see one, most likely, there are many more.
  • Will rats eat vegetables growing in my garden? Yes. Rats eat most anything available including overflowing garbage cans, acorns, berries, food wrappers thrown to the ground, even dog business.
  • Are rats dangerous to the home? Yes. Rats chew wires which can lead to electrical fires.
  • Things you can do include caulking holes used as entryways, using mesh wiring to cover openings, or stuffing small holes wit steel wool.

Removing rodents can be an involved process and best done by professionals. While there are steps residents can take to help alleviate a problem, specific rodent elimination and control services are usually necessary.

If you’re experiencing a rat problem or infestation, contact our experts at Allison Pest Control. With years of experience, we’ll handle any issue efficiently, safely and securely.