How Do You Know If You Have Termites in Your NJ Home?

Termite Control

Unlike other types of insects, such as carpenter bees, that leave behind very obvious signs of wood infestation and damage, termites are adept at hiding their presence in homes and outbuildings.

Evidence of a Termite Colony

Since a colony can eat and destroy large portions of wood structures in less than a half year, it’s important to keep an eye out for the following in and around your New Jersey home:

  • Mud tubes built underground in soil and mud and/or across lower walls, patios, fences, sheds, flower boxes, steps, basements and other dark places. Typically, these mud “tunnels” are thin as a pencil and branching, but you might find some built up ones in dark crawl spaces, for example, that are a lot wider.
  • Any type of weakness in what should be solid wood can indicate that termites have been eating through it, such as sudden unexplained sagging and cracking; as well as wood that pushes in when you press on it or sounds hollow when you tap its surfaces.
  • A pile of what looks like dirt or sawdust is an obvious indicator.
  • Termites are known to make these piles in room corners near wooden baseboards and on wooden windowsills.

Allison Pest Control offers a free inspections as part of our Ocean County and Monmouth County pest control services. If you find signs of a termite colony infestation, or you’re still uncertain, contact us today!