How to Identify a Carpenter Bee Nest

NJ Carpenter Bees
NJ Carpenter Bees

Wood-boring or carpenter bees are one of the greatest insect threats to outdoor wooden structures. Their tunnels are not tiny and run deep into the wood. Additionally, they extend old tunnels every year and make new ones.

At Allison Pest Control, we care about protecting the environment. Carpenter bees harm properties, but they are also pollinators. Yet, the best way to prevent new damage is with an insecticide. For this reason, the goal should always be to stop infestations and prevent new ones as soon as possible.

Identifying Bees

Carpenter bees are one of the easiest pests to identify:

  • Abdomens — They look like bumblebees except their abdomens are shiny black with less hair.
  • Hovering — Carpenter bees hover around wood.
  • Density — They prefer female/male pairings rather than swarms.

Identifying Nests

Carpenter bee nests are even easier to identify than carpenter bees! Look for:

  • Sawdust near unfinished, untreated and/or soft or old previously-treated wood.
  • Holes against the grain that are approximately 1/2-inch in diameter.
  • Tunnels 1 to 2 inches deep that then turn and run along the grain approximately 6 inches or more.

Whether you need a Wall Township pest control expert, or pest control in other areas of Monmouth and Ocean counties, Allison Pest Control knows which insecticides are permitted for use in your area and the right methods to stop future infestations. Contact us today to learn more and to schedule a free pest inspection!