Allison Pest Control

Can Cockroaches Cause Eye Problems?

Can a Cockroach Cause Eye Issues?
Can a Cockroach Cause Eye Issues?

Cockroaches have been known to transmit salmonella, E. coli and other harmful germs to humans. Their presence increases the risk of asthma in children, too. And now a recent study has shown that these pests might also be responsible for raising the risk of glaucoma, a common eye condition in which the optic nerve is damaged, leading to vision loss.

The study, done by researchers at UCLA, showed that subjects who had been diagnosed with glaucoma had higher levels of an allergic antibody called immunoglobulin (IgE) that is associated with cockroach allergens. Just over 19 percent of subjects with glaucoma had raised IgE levels to these pests.

Researchers believe that allergens from cockroaches cause the production of antibodies that focus on the optic nerve, which could lead to changes in the eye and the development of glaucoma. The study also showed a link between raised IgE levels and cat allergens among those with glaucoma. I

nterestingly enough, subjects with glaucoma had lower IgE levels to dog allergens than those without glaucoma, suggesting that exposure to dogs could help protect people against developing glaucoma.

While more research needs to be done in order to establish a more solid link between cockroach allergens and the risk of glaucoma, it’s still one more reason to keep these pests out of homes.

Don’t let cockroaches put your health at risk. Contact Allison Pest Control for quick, reliable Holmdel NJ pest control services.

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