Five Fun Facts About Box Elder Bugs

Box Elder Bugs
Box Elder Bugs

The term “elder” usually applies to someone worthy of respect. That certainly doesn’t apply when it comes to box elder bugs. These distinctive-looking red and black insects more accurately qualify as an annoyance.

Unlike many other pests, box elder bugs don’t transmit diseases or cause significant structural damage to a home. That doesn’t mean they’re welcome house guests. Here are some things you might not know about this insect.

  • Box elder bugs secrete a reddish-orange substance that can stain curtains, carpeting, furniture and clothing. It’s released through their feces or when their bodies are crushed. In the latter case, their carcasses also emit a foul odor.
  • Another side effect of this nasty secretion is that box elder bugs have few natural enemies. The taste makes them a less-than-appealing meal for predators, so you can’t rely on natural selection to control their population.
  • Generally box elder bugs aren’t known for biting. However, they have piercing-sucking mouthparts that may sometimes break the skin, resulting in a mark similar to a mosquito bite.
  • As their name implies, they feed primarily on box elder trees. They can sometimes be found on maple, ash or fruit trees. Their activity may result in deformed or discolored fruit and leaves.
  • Box elder bugs are snowbirds, seeking shelter indoors during cold temperatures. They’re sun worshippers who will often be found on the sunny side of your house or near windows with southern exposure.

Don’t wait until you begin seeing these insects marching across the carpet of your New Jersey home. Let our Allison Pest Control technicians apply a safe and effective pesticide to keep them out. Call 800.564.4585 to schedule an appointment.


One response to “Five Fun Facts About Box Elder Bugs”

  1. Great read, really informative article! Thanks!