Allison Pest Control

The Trouble with Groundhogs

Get Rid of Your Groundhogs

They may not flit through the trees, but groundhogs are members of the squirrel family. Excellent burrowers, these rodents are also called woodchucks because they typically live along the edges of woodland areas. Loss of habitat and the lure of easy food supplies have brought groundhogs into more frequent contact with Monmouth County, New Jersey residents.

Dangerous Wildlife

Brown and furry with short bushy tails, groundhogs weigh between 4 and 10 pounds. Like other nuisance wildlife, they are a frequent problem where homes or shopping areas have replaced animal habitats. These animals can present a serious hazard to family members and pets if they move into in your yard. Trees and landscape plants with low-growing branches, sheds, porches and decks provide the sheltered protection these animals seek when locating their underground dens.

You may see groundhogs emerging from their dens near dusk to forage for food. They may look cute, especially when babies are present; but groundhogs are vicious protectors with sharp teeth and claws. To prevent injury, never approach or allow your pets to approach groundhogs or any other wild animal.

Damage to Lawns and Gardens

The scourge of home gardeners, a family of groundhogs can decimate a vegetable garden in a single night. They can also cause serious damage to lawns as they dig for grubs under the soil. While groundhogs are less likely than opossums, skunks or raccoons to dig their dens in well-trafficked areas outside your home, the dens and tunnels of wild animals can undermine foundations. These animals can also bring fleas, ticks, mites, round worms and other parasites, as well as diseases such as distemper and rabies into your yard.

If groundhogs invade your yard, call the nuisance wildlife removal experts at Allison Pest Control for safe, always humane removal.

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