Rat Bites Man Causing Law Suit

I have no idea how I missed this news story in 2011 and I am still on the hunt to see if there is a final ruling in this case.  Because of its “interesting” nature, I thought I would pass it along to our readers.  If you did not think that rats were a problem in your home…perhaps you will after reading this story!

NBCNEWS.com reported on January 13, 2011 that a man who was being held in a Nassau County jail claims that a rat came out of a hole in his mattress and bit him.  Rat bites are bad news and can be dangerous because of the threat of spreading dangerous diseases.

They are particularly bad when they bite your privates…as this man claims occurred during his stint in jail.  According to reports, the man received medical treatment for his rat bite wound.  He also received rabies shots because of the rat bite.  I know first-hand that rabies shots are miserable, especially as they try to give the shots as close to the bite wound site as possible.  Ouch!  The rabies shots alone are deserving of financial compensation…but I digress.

The man in jail sued for “deliberate indifference to his health and safety in failing to adequately protect him from rodents.”  Nassau County attorneys tried to have the case tossed out but a judge allowed it to remain as there have been plenty of other documented complaints by inmates within the jail about rodent infestations.

Taking rat infestations seriously is imperative.  Call a Monmouth County, NJ pest control expert for help with rats or other types of rodent invasions.



