Allison Pest Control

Bed Bugs And Rodents Prompt A Call For Stricter Legislation In Boston

This weekend marks the annual move-in weekend for students attending college in Boston, Massachusetts.  As many of the remaining students moved out of their apartment units on Friday, city code inspectors used the time of open doors to descend on the city in mass and perform much needed inspections.

According to on September 1, 2012, city inspectors uncovered disgusting conditions of bed bugs, rodent droppings, asbestos, and overloaded dumpsters.  The problems are so vast that the Mayor of the City of Boston is warning students not to pick up any discarded furniture as it may be infested with bed bugs.

Additionally, the Mayor will be proposing a new ordinance to help students remain bed bug and rodent free so they can live in a safer environment.  The ordinance that will be presented to City Council will require that all building owners have a local contact so that students and code enforcement does not have to deal with an out-of-state property owner.  He would also like a “Chronic Offender Registry” to be created.  There rental properties can be listed that continue to have problems that are not addressed by the management.  He would also like to have inspections on the property completed every three years.  In the world of pest control, this however is not often enough.  In three years, a bed bug infested unit can contain millions of bed bugs that can make anyone’s living conditions horrible.  In addition, rodents left unattended make for unhealthy and dangerous living conditions.

Monmouth County NJ Pest Control recommends regular pest inspections and treatments so that all types of pests can be kept out of the home.

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