Allison Pest Control

Deer Ticks Are Causing Even More Trouble Than You Think! Part 2 of 2

Continuing from Wednesday…

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are concerned that diagnosing the illness will be missed because doctors will not know to test for ehrlichiosis.  Additionally, reports are that traditional blood antibody tests for ehrlichiosis may not accurately identify the new bacterium so the CDC has developed a new test, but it is not widely available.

Ticks in New Jersey are most active from late spring through August.  Ticks transmit bacteria when they feed on warm-blooded animals such as rodents, cats, dogs, deer, and humans.  Dangerous bacteria will enter the bloodstream after it enters the skin through the bite wound where the ticks are sucking blood.

New Jersey pest control experts say that Lyme disease is another tick-borne disease that is of great concern to residents.  The CDC reports that more than 35,000 humans contract Lyme disease each year, most of which occur in the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast and Midwest states.  Lyme disease can be tricky to diagnose because it often mimics flu-like symptoms.  Some people affected with Lyme disease incur a bulls-eye type rash at the bite wound that can last for weeks.  In some cases, symptoms of Lyme disease may take days, weeks, months, or even years to appear.

To protect yourself from tick bites, it is recommended that you wear light colored clothing (long sleeve, long pants, and socks) so that you can easily spot the tiny vampires.  Additionally, experts recommend that you use an insect repellent that contains 20% or more DEET on your clothing or skin or permethrin on your clothing and shoes.

Allison Pest Control can help keep your family safe from dangerous ticks by protecting the perimeter of your home with our exterior barrier treatment.

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