Allison Pest Control

Voracious Termites Affecting New Jersey Residents Part II Of II

Continuing from Monday…

Unlike in many other countries, in the United States, most eastern subterranean termite colonies are built completely below ground level.  Because they are unseen, eastern subterranean termite colonies that are below ground often go untreated and can contain more than a million termites.  These termites can easily destroy structures causing devastating damage, especially in urban environments.

The swarmers (reproductives), can often be found swarming on a warm spring day, but in some colonies, you will see a swarm during the late summertime.  These termites cannot fly well, despite having wings.  Once they fly out of the nest, the wind will help them travel to a new location where they will discard their wings and look for a mate from another colony so that they can create a new termite colony. Swarming will occur when an existing nest is large and well established.  When a swarm occurs, thousands of termites will leave the nest. If you see swarming around your home or business, it’s time to call a pest control specialist because it is a sign of a significant underground infestation.

No structure is safe from the destruction of the eastern subterranean termite.  These pests can secretly enter your structure through a space as small as 1/8”.  They can easily eat their way through the rubber compound that is used between adjoining concrete on the ground floor of a building.  The eastern subterranean termite is always attracted to moist areas.  If you have faulty plumbing inside your walls or a leaky roof, it is an invitation to these wood destroying pests to come inside.

Eastern subterranean termites have incredible survival instincts.  If their nests are disturbed, they will quickly abandon their nest to seek protection in another location.  Once they move, they will be difficult to locate and they will quickly begin their destructive behavior in their new location.  If you discover an eastern subterranean termite nest at your New Jersey home or business, you should never disturb it.  Instead you should always contact a licensed pest control specialist who knows how to eradicate termites, like Allison Pest Control.  Give us a call today for all of your pest control needs.

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