Allison Pest Control

Are Crickets Annoying You In New Jersey?

Imagine yourself camping with your family in the great outdoors.  The delightful sounds of crickets chirping are a wonderful addition to your nighttime experience.  The evening cricket concert is the perfect ending to any day in the great outdoors.  How sweet the sound as the crickets lull you into dreamland inside your tent or travel trailer.

Knowing how wonderful crickets sound in the outside world, it’s amazing how annoyed people become when they enter their New Jersey dwelling and begin singing their hearts out.  Why is it that their nighttime serenades no longer sound pleasant and soothing and instead make you feel like you are sitting in room with 100 folks dragging their fingernails on a chalk board! One lonely cricket, trapped in your house, can disturb your sleep for days, or even weeks.  If crickets decide to nest insides your house, especially within your walls, you will want to hang the “For Sale” sign out before too long!

Crickets prefer to live in the outdoors under rocks, logs, bricks, in mulch, in pastures and along roadsides.  They are omnivores and being scavengers, they will feed on most any type of organic material.  The male cricket is the one that is responsible for the music that you hear.  As a mating ritual to attract females, he will rub his forewings against each other.  The female cricket will listen for his specific sound by the ears that are on her front legs.  Each type of cricket species has a different type of sound so that they can identify their own species.  Once a suitable mate is found, the female cricket will lay her eggs in the soil.

Besides their annoying chirps when they become stuck inside the house, crickets can become a problem for homeowners when they feed on household items like laundry, wool, silk, paper, wood, wallpaper, drapes, rugs and even human food. If you have crickets driving you nuts in your home, give Allison Pest Control a call.

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