Allison Pest Control

Keeping Your Family Safe Against The West Nile Virus

West Nile Virus is more than an annoyance; it is a dangerous virus that can cause a serious life altering illness.  West Nile Virus is transmitted from the bite of mosquitoes.  For some people in the United States, West Nile Virus has proven to be fatal.  In 2010, in New Jersey, so far there have only been non-human reports of West Nile Virus reported…but it’s still early in the season.

According to the Center for Disease Control, when venturing out in the early morning or evening hours, you should always try to reduce your chances of being bitten by mosquitoes by following a few simple steps.

Repellents should be applied on exposed skin and clothing.  Conventional repellents that contain DEET or Picaridin are effective when used correctly. Keep in mind that the higher percentage of active ingredients does not mean that your protection is better, only that it will last longer than others.  Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (not for children under 3 years old), which is derived from natural materials, is considered a biopesticide, is also considered effective.  Effective times vary depending on many different factors; so if you find that mosquitoes begin to bite you, reapply your repellent of choice.  Always remember to follow the instructions directed on the product label for maximum safety.  Because most repellents are not safe for babies and young children, mosquito netting should be placed over infant carriers when you are outdoors.

Mosquitoes breed in standing water.  You should be sure to empty the water in any flower pots, bird baths, watering cans, buckets, barrels, swimming pool covers, old tires, trash cans and lids, or any other item that rain or sprinkler water can gather at least twice per week.  Clogged rain gutters are also a known breeding ground for mosquitoes; so be sure to clean your gutters and downspouts each week.

It’s always best to hire a licensed pest control specialist that offers a comprehensive Home Protection Plan to treat your home to help keep your mosquito numbers down during the spring, summer, and fall months.

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