Tag: termites

  • Is My New Jersey Home At Risk Of A Termite Invasion?

    Termite exterminators receive many telephone calls from residents during the springtime regarding termites in New Jersey.  Termites are not just a springtime pest mind you, but this is the time of year that people find the tell-tale signs of termite activity in or around their homes. Unlike other types of annoying and dangerous insects, termites…

  • Termites…They Are Good And Bad

    There’s no mistaking that termites are good for the environment…but they are not good once they find a structure to invade!  The benefits of having termites on this earth are aplenty report Monmouth County, NJ termite exterminators.  Termites dig in the earth which allows rainwater to drain properly, especially in dry climates.  Termites help to halt…

  • Carpenter Ants Vs. Termites…Who’s The Strongest

    There are differences and similarities between carpenter ants and termites, yet to the untrained eye, these two wood-destroying pests are quite different report Monmouth County termite exterminators. Both insects destroy wood, but in entirely different ways.  Carpenter ants do not eat wood, but they do burrow through wood causing extensive damage.  Termites on the other…

  • The Flight Of The Termites

    Termite exterminators such as Allison Pest Control, are often summonsed to a New Jersey home or business when termites are spotted swarming from their otherwise hidden nesting site.  Each spring, once a termite nest has reached maturity, the winged reproductive termites will head to the surface of the earth and begin the flight in search…

  • Termites And Their Underground World

    Termites are considered to be an economically important pest in the United States because they cause billions of dollars of damage to structures each year as people seek ways to prevent and treat the pests.  Like other living plants and animals, termites need three things to survive…food (cellulose), moisture, and shelter. Subterranean termites are the…

  • Termites Cause Serious Damage In NJ

    The eastern subterranean termite can be a serious pest in New Jersey as well as all other parts of the United States report Monmouth County, NJ pest control professionals.  Termites have a voracious appetite and feed mostly upon wood sources.  Absent of wood, termites will also eat insulation, paper, and books.  Termites have even been…