Tag: Disease Carrying Pests

  • NJ and the Zika Virus – What You Need to Know

    Dealing with itchy mosquito bites can make your summer miserable, but now there’s something else to worry about. The type of mosquitoes that can carry the Zika virus are found in a larger part of the US, including NJ. Here’s what you should know about the Zika virus and why you shouldn’t hesitate to call…

  • What Diseases Are Carried by NJ Mosquitos?

    New Jersey health officials are currently pleading for residents to be on guard against mosquito bites, given the glut of mosquito-borne illnesses surfacing this summer. Bites from the following viruses pose a significant health risk, and can occur 3-14 days following exposure: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) EEE is dangerous, producing headache, stiff neck, high fever,…

  • Ticks – A Bloodsucker To Avoid

    There are hundreds of different tick species in the world, but only a few ticks interact with domestic animals and humans causing harm. Some ticks are opportunistic feeders that will attach themselves to any warm blooded host that they encounter while other ticks have a more selective appetite. Most ticks are not born with disease…