Tag: carpenter ants

  • Those New Jersey Carpenter Ants – Oh The Memory Lingers On! Part I Of II

    Creepy carpenter ants are well known for their wood-destroying behavior.  Unlike termites, they don’t eat wood, but instead use wood to create their “galleries” which provide passageways for movement from place to place.  For the first time ever, about two years ago my neighbor noticed a few large black ants traipsing across their kitchen floor. …

  • NJ Termites Will Destroy Property

    Studies have shown that termites have been around since the beginning of time.  The subterranean termite colony is comprised of three different types of termites: the workers, the soldiers, and the reproductives.  Subterranean termites are considered to be the most destructive kind of termite.  If you have a NJ termite infestation, it is most likely…

  • Don’t New Jersey Ants Die Off In The Winter?

    New Jersey residents and business owners have all been subjected to the “ant march” as the weather turns from cold to warm in the early spring.  It’s at that time of year that pesky NJ ant instincts kick into high gear and they head from their deep underground dwellings in search of food and water. …

  • Improper Pesticide Application Promotes Bed Bug Multiplication

    Bed bugs are nibbling their way across the United States.  Nowadays, nobody is immune to the nighttime antics of these creepy bloodsuckers.  Being hitchhikers, anyone can pick them up at a variety of places.  Although there are products available on the market that are geared for personal use to consumers, they have proven time and…

  • Evil Carpenter Ants Can Strike Anytime

    Business and homeowners in New Jersey have reason to worry when they see large black ants on the interior or exterior of their structure.  Large ants in most instances are carpenter ants.  Carpenter ants are the most common type of ant that you will find in the United States, and left untreated, they are a…