Category: Pantry Pests

  • Pantry Pests Make For Unpleasant Holiday Baking

    At some point in time every homeowner has likely encountered some sort of pantry pest report Monmouth County, NJ pest control professionals.  Sometimes the pests are present in some sort of stored food product and accidentally consumed.  It can be a surprise awakening to open a bag of flour with intention on making Christmas cookies…

  • Pantry Pests Cause Trouble For Asthmatics and Allergy Sufferers Part 2 Of 2

    In continuation from Wednesday… Pests of stored food products are one of the most annoying nuisance insects.  Some pantry pests can burrow holes in traditional food packaging materials that exist, spoiling everything in their path.  Others are content to stay within the package that they exist in. The real pest problem comes when an unsuspecting…

  • Pantry Pests Cause Trouble For Asthmatics and Allergy Sufferers Part 1 Of 2

    Eating a bowl of your favorite cereal and being greeted by strange bugs swimming in your milk in an unpleasant surprise, especially after you have taken a bite or two.  Unfortunately, whether we are aware of it or not, it is more likely than not that by the time you have reached adulthood, you have…