Category: Animals

  • Why Moles And Voles Are Bad For Your Yard

    Moles and voles might seem more like cartoon characters than real animals, but there’s nothing funny about the damage they can cause. Educating yourself about their appearance and behavior can help you quickly address any threats they present to your yard. Although their names sound alike, the similarities end there. Moles are grey to dark brown…

  • The Trouble with Groundhogs

    They may not flit through the trees, but groundhogs are members of the squirrel family. Excellent burrowers, these rodents are also called woodchucks because they typically live along the edges of woodland areas. Loss of habitat and the lure of easy food supplies have brought groundhogs into more frequent contact with Monmouth County, New Jersey…

  • Put Your Mind at Ease With a Free Pest Inspection

    There’s nothing worse than finding out that one of your neighbors has a pest control problem. Immediately, your thoughts turn to your own home, and you start to wonder if you might have the same problem without knowing it. This time of year, pest control issues are fairly common in New Jersey, and it’s a…

  • What’s Digging Up My Lawn?

    After a long, brutal winter it’s finally time to get out and do some yard work. While the grass probably needs some TLC after all the snow and cold temperatures, you may have uncovered a greater source of damage. Holes in the yard can indicate the presence of pests. The question is, which one? Unless you…

  • Squirrel Control: How to Get Rid of the Squirrels Invading Your Home

    Squirrels are everywhere. It does not matter if you live in a rural area, the suburbs or a bustling city; they will find a way to thrive in the area that you live in. Sometimes, that means that they will live in your home. Squirrels will get into the walls, the attic, cabinets and every other…

  • Pigeons Present Serious Health Hazards

    Year-round pests in Monmouth County, NJ towns, feral pigeons are serious vectors for disease. Pigeons harbor more than 40 parasites on their bodies, including disease-transmitting ticks, fleas and mites. Their droppings contain hundreds of dangerous bacterial pathogens and viruses, including salmonella, encephalitis and meningitis. Airborne spores from dried droppings can cause serious lung infections and…