Allison Pest Control

So There Are Wasps In Your House – Where, Why, and How They Got There

Stay Safe From Invasive Insects
Stay Safe From Invasive Insects

Warmer temperatures cause some pests to come out of hibernation, including paper wasps. These wasps might show up inside your home this spring, which can be alarming. Find out whether or not you’ll need professional Monmouth County pest control to deal with paper wasps if you have them around.

Wasps in Your Home

Why might wasps be in your home? The good news is that it’s unlikely that you have a nest inside your house. Paper wasps are simply using your home for overwintering. When spring comes, they come out of their hiding spots and try to find a way back outdoors to build a nest. The wasps you see in your home are likely to be ones that are looking for an opening to get outside. These wasps are usually sluggish and won’t sting unless you bother them or handle them.

Wasp Problems

While seeing several paper wasps in your home in spring usually isn’t a big problem, you should have pest control done if they start making nests inside or on your property. Paper wasps make funnel-like nests out of a papery substance. You might see these nests on building eaves and other outdoor structures.

If you have wasps in your home this spring, contact Allison Pest Control. We can provide you with reliable, high-quality Monmouth County pest control services to rid your home of wasps or other pests.

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