Allison Pest Control

What’s an Ant Raft?

An Argentine Ant Found in New Jersey Homes and Businesses

With all of the flooding going on in different parts of the country this past year, you might think that ant populations would be seriously reduced. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Our Ocean County pest control technicians have still been busy dealing with ant infestations in homes. How do ants survive floods? Some species have clever ways of getting through these disasters.

Floating Through Floods

Fire ants build nests in the ground, so their colonies are highly susceptible to being destroyed by floods. Rather than letting floods ruin their hard work, these ants have managed to come up with a creative way to survive and rebuild elsewhere.

Fire ants form what are known as ant rafts. The ants in affected colonies join together to create a raft-like structure that makes it possible for them to float on flood waters instead of succumbing to them. These rafts are water-tight, so the ants don’t have to worry about losing any members of their colony.

Ant Control

If heavy rain or other adverse weather conditions have brought out more ants than usual in your area, you’ll need professional pest control. Keep in mind that these ants might find your home a suitable place to relocate this winter.

If ants invade your NJ home this season, give Allison Pest Control a call. With help from our Ocean County pest control technicians, you can have an ant-free home this winter.

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