What NJ Homeowners Should Know About Stink Bugs

It's Stink Bug Time Again!
It’s Stink Bug Time Again!

This time of year could bring stink bugs to your home. Cooler temperatures cause these pests to seek a warm place to stay during winter. Learn more about these bugs, so you can make sure you eliminate them the right way or get help from NJ pest control services.

Identifying Stink Bugs

Brown marmorated stink bugs are invasive insect pests that were brought to the U.S. accidentally from Asia. You’re more likely to see these bugs in late summer and early fall when the weather starts to get colder. Stink bugs have a brownish-gray color, six legs and a triangular body that resembles the shape of a shield.

Dealing with Stink Bugs

If you see stink bugs inside your home, don’t crush them. These bugs get their name from the unpleasant odor they emit when they’re crushed. Instead of squashing them, use a vacuum cleaner to get them out of your home. Empty the bag as soon as possible in an outdoor trash can, so the smell won’t linger indoors. Stink bugs don’t bite or damage property, but they can leave their odor in your home for a long time. Keep in mind that sealing up cracks near doors and windows helps keep these bugs out.

If your home has stink bugs, count on Allison Pest Control for help getting rid of them. Contact us to learn more about our NJ pest control services.