Allison Pest Control

NJ Invasive Species Strike Team Monitors Insect Populations

Invasive Insects Are Moving Into New Jersey
Invasive Insects Are Moving Into New Jersey

As climate change continues to cause higher than average temperatures, more and more invasive species are finding their way to NJ. Our Ocean County pest control services have been dealing with these pests more often than in the past, since their numbers are increasing. Thankfully, invasive species are being monitored in NJ.

Effects of Climate Change on Invasive Species

Rising temperatures, higher amounts of rainfall and warmer winter months all contribute to an increase in non-native species in NJ. These species, which normally wouldn’t thrive in our state, now have better conditions that allow them to survive the winter months. This leads to larger populations of these species, such as the Asian tiger mosquito and emerald ash borer.

Monitoring Invasive Species

Teams in the state have been keeping an eye on invasive species of both plants and animals. This monitoring helps officials and pest control professionals understand just how widespread certain species are in the state. This can lead to more effective ways to keep these pests at bay and prevent them from causing damage or spreading disease in NJ.

If you’re having trouble with insect or rodent pests in your home, contact Allison Pest Control. Our Ocean County pest control services can rid your home of mice, ants, cockroaches, rats and other pests that can make you sick or put your home at risk.

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