Allison Pest Control

Brace Yourself, a New Termite Species Has Been Discovered

Not Another Termite Species

Subterranean termites and other species keep NJ termite control experts busy, but they’re not the only types out there. Scientists have recently found a new termite species in the forests of Colombia.

First New Discovery in 100 Years

It’s been more than 100 years since the last termite species was discovered. Now, scientists exploring dry forest regions of Colombia have found a third species that belongs to the termite genus Proneotermes. This new species differs in color, shape and genetics compared to its fellow species. Proneotermes macondianus, the new species’ name, comes from a fictional town featured in the novel “100 Years of Solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Soldier termites that belong to this species range from black to orange and have rectangular heads that are elongated.

This new species isn’t considered a pest, since it only lives in the wild instead of invading residential or commercial buildings. However, there are plenty of termites right here in NJ that are considered pests that can cause widespread damage to homes. Property owners should have infestations treated promptly in order to lower this risk and keep their home or building safe. Many termite species can cause damage in a relatively short amount of time.

No matter what type of termites you have on your property, it’s important to get rid of them. Give Allison Pest Control a call, and we’ll provide dependable NJ termite control services.

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