Allison Pest Control

More Than Just Gnats, These Small Flies are Big Pests

Flies and gnats can be big problems.

House flies are a common sight in homes during the summer months, but what about those small flies that show up just about any time during the year? These tiny flies can prove to be a big problem that requires expert help from the best exterminator in Ocean County. If you have one of the following in your home, it’s time to get in touch with pest control professionals.

• Fruit flies: These flies are roughly 3 mm in length, including their wings. They have a tan thorax with a darker colored abdomen and red eyes.

• Fungus gnats: These grayish-black gnats range from 0.5 to 4 mm in length, including their wings.

• Phorid flies: These yellowish or brownish flies have small heads and a humpback-shaped thorax. They range from 1 to 3 mm in length, including their wings.

• Drain flies: These gray or tan flies look like small moths, although they only have two wings rather than four. They range from 4 to 6 mm in length, including their wings.

Removing the source of breeding can help you prevent fly or gnat infestations. Keep in mind, though, that you might have these flies living in hard-to-reach spaces, such as inside walls.

If you have a gnat or fly problem, count on the best exterminator in Ocean County for help. Contact Allison Pest Control, so we can help you rid your home of these pests.

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