Allison Pest Control

Flooding and the Impact on Termite Treatment

Keeping The Termites Away
Keeping The Termites Away

Unusual storms and other weather conditions have raised the risk of flooding in and around NJ. In addition to causing water damage to homes, floods can also make it more challenging to perform termite control NJ services.


Chemical products that are used to get rid of termites, called termiticides, are typically applied to soil. These products need to be able to permeate the soil in order to be effective. When the ground is wet from flooding, this can prevent termiticides from working as moving water and soil affect the treated area.


Bait and monitor stations are commonly used to control termites and eliminate infestations in residential areas. Flooding makes this type of termite treatment more difficult since moving water can dump debris on these stations and cover them up. This prevents termites from entering them and carrying bait back to their nests. These stations can also be hard to find if they’ve been covered up. Flooding can also cause material used in monitoring stations to decay.

Keep in mind that termite infestations can spread to other areas after flooding when tree limbs and fallen trees are tossed away. These should be checked for termites before being moved to any other location.

Don’t wait for termites to take over your NJ home. Contact Allison Pest Control for more information on our termite control NJ services.

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