Allison Pest Control

Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow Jackets Part Two – What does a Hornet Look Like?

What’s The Difference In Between Wasps and Hornets?

Telling the difference between hornets, wasps and yellow jackets can be tough. Although all of these are considered stinging pests, some pose more of a threat to you than others.

Here are some of the characteristics that can help you determine if you have hornets in your yard. To avoid getting 03stung, remember that it’s important to have Monmouth County pest control experts exterminate them instead of trying to eliminate them on your own.

Physical Appearance

Hornets have a similar appearance to wasps, with their long, thin bodies and lack of hair. Hornets also have stingers that allow them to sting someone a number of times instead of just once.

Nesting Habits

Hornets typically build large, enclosed paper comb nests on shrubs or trees. They sometimes build these nests on eaves as well. Hornet colonies are larger than paper wasp colonies, often with more than 100 insects.


Hornets have a similar diet to paper wasps. They eat live insects and usually won’t disturb people when food and drinks are outside. They’re also not likely to hover around garbage cans like yellow jackets and other stinging insects that are drawn to sugary substances.

When you have hornets, don’t hesitate to contact Allison Pest Control for help. Our Monmouth County pest control team can get rid of hornets, so you don’t have to worry about getting stung.

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