Allison Pest Control

Even in Winter Restaurants Can Get Fruit Flies or Drain Flies

Keep Your Drain Clean
Drain Flies in The Winter

When you run a restaurant, you know how much of a nuisance flies can be. While you don’t have to worry about houseflies buzzing around during winter and bothering your customers, fruit flies and drain flies can still invade your kitchen.

Fruit flies and drain flies are tiny flies that are drawn to decaying food matter. They feed on fruits, vegetables and a variety of other matter found in garbage containers and sink drains. While these flies don’t bite, they can spread germs around, which could lead to possible health hazards in your restaurant.

These pests are often found in unsanitary conditions, so it’s important to take steps toward keeping your kitchen as clean as possible. You can prevent these pests from getting into your restaurant by removing trash each day and wiping down counters and other surfaces regularly. Fruit flies and drain flies can be difficult to get rid of, and their numbers can grow quickly. If you see these pests flying around your kitchen, let Monmouth County pest control experts get rid of them for you.

Don’t let fruit flies or drain flies turn your kitchen into a potential health hazard. Contact our Monmouth County pest control professionals to get rid of these nuisance pests as quickly as possible. At Allison Pest Control, we have safe and effective ways to reduce pest populations.

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